I thought I’d show you my tidied up clay play room. In hindsight I should have taken a before picture because it was horrendous, it was really stressing me out.

I thought, get it more organised and you’ll feel so MUCH better.

I’ve just spent an hour trying to get some organisation, I’ve nearly accomplished it but I think an hour was enough for today. I may do a tiny bit more tomorrow.

I’ve organised what clay I have to, so I can now see at a glance what I’m running low on, I can then look at getting more next month. I have enough to see me through this month I think.

I have been given most of it, so I’ve been so very lucky, without it I’d not have been able to enjoy this hobby as much over the past 3 months. With ever increasing costs on daily living, there isn’t a penny left to buy supplies.

My Tidied Area

My Clay Stash

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